I've been revamping the time system the past few days. It works better and is more modular, which will make development a lot easier later. I guess here's a screen shot of a small snippet of the code lol
I've included the hunger and sleep values within the menus. You'll see them on the main menu, in the status menu and when using items. What the menus look like now is not representative of what they will look like when finished.
- Added hunger variable to all actors. - Added sleep variable to all actors. - Sleep and hunger values are now saved to your game save. - Added new potions (one refills your sleep) - added new items - changed crafting menu again. - added new items to the crafting menu. - fleshed out the time system. Still needs more work. I have mock ups for the final version of the crafting menu below: First Screen: Second Screen:
I added potion brewing to the crafting menu. You can now cook and brew potions. There are only two potions right now, but I intend on adding many more. There will also be poisons. This menu will completely change later and is not representative of the final menu. :)
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